Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Day 2- A New Development

Hello again, my little Mad Hatters. Its Cheshire (obviously). So some new things have happened. I got registered for high school (woo), found out that I'm allergic to cottonseed (no more Girl Scout Thin Mints, sigh), and I've met a rapist! This has been a fun day, right? WRONG! So now I can't eat my favorite cookies or I'll swell like a balloon, I find that a known rapist lives a couple houses away from me, and I have to deal with my mom crying that "Her little baby is going to high school!" Apparently nobody told me to grow up.

On the plus side, I guess that I'm really smart. Honors english, honors biology, and honors math. Aren't I just a little prodigy? Of course, this means that my summer is now devoted to three projects, one for each class. There's a diary entry and a paper due for english, a months worth of summer classes for biology, and a stack of math algorithms with my name on it. My two months off just became summer school.

Ah well, I guess I can't have everything go perfectly. I also have to babysit the little cousin, but at least I get paid for that. $10 an hour isn't so bad, right? This is like, my first job. I have to babysit the little siblings too, but I don't get paid for that. Sigh, I guess I should get a jump start on my homework.

Oh yeah, we should share interest. Well, I like pretty much everything Japanese. It's my dream to go to Japan and become a video game designer there. I could work with Akihabara! Some things about me... I like reading. I like staying in the background, in the shadows. I can get pretty dramatic. I've never had a boyfriend, probably because none of the real boys are as good as the one's in an anime. That and on the pretty scale, I'd give myself a 6. Maybe a 7 in certain lights. I've never been a popular girl, never really been to a party, I don't get invited to do anything. I'm an ok singer, I guess. I like dark, twisted stuff, but never show me a good horror movie. I will pee in my pants. Like when I saw World War Z.

I like stuff like, zombies. Even though they scare me to high Heaven, I have an awesome zombie plan. I also like yaoi, also called boys' love. It is adorable! I'm watching 'Junjo Romantica' right now, then I'll compare it to 'Sekai-Ichi Hatsukoi'. Both of them are just too cute! Makes me want a gay best friend. I am happy to say that I am a fangirl, and proud of it!

If any of you ever need a good anime referral, I am your girl! For a weird one, but not unpleasant, check out 'Tsuritama'. I swear, I have memorized that opening dance! Of course, if you're a fellow yaoi fan, check out FuzzyBunnyChan's blog. I love you Risa! ~^_^~

Hmm, what else should I write about today. I guess I could go with my specific reasons for wanting to start this blog in the first place. As stated in day 1, I want to help all the other freaks like me. I also want a place where I can just write my feelings and junk. I had a diary, but my stupid big brother read it. So now, under my alias Cheshire, I have a secure place to write about my junk. Thank God for the internet!

All right all my little Mad Hatters, its time to go now. See ya tomorrow!

-Cheshire Kat

Welcome to my Hell

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